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Pachouli Spa And Wellness Pvt Ltd

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WHAT IS PACHOULI? Pachouli is a herb in the mint family native to Southeast Asia. The basic premise of Pachouli is that it is an essential oil well known for its magical healing properties. It is a remarkable blend of love and harmony. It enhances the properties of any essential oil to which it is added, the scent is rich & earthy combining floral sweetness. Pachouli oil has various medicinal and therapeutic properties and is widely used in perfume industry. INTRODUCTION Founded by Dr Preeti Seth and Mr Rajat Ohri in 2010, with the philosophy to offer a personalized, flawless and user-friendly slimming, spa and beauty services. Pachouli is an experience of a lifetime. The environment soothing your senses, calming your nerves while our range of premium services take you through an existential journey to give complete cure and total wellness to make a pure you. Pachouli is constantly investigating new methods and techniques to provide the perfect and effective result for each person.We have something for everyone because, everyone deserves a chance at Tranquillity. Skin Treatment in Malviya Nagar,Laser Hair Reduction in Malviya Magar,International Body Therapy in Malviya Nagar Operating 3 Wellness Centres in New Delhi – Rajendra Place, Punjabi Bagh and Malviya Nagar, We are a team of Experts, Doctors, Therapists, Trichologists, Dermatologists and Physiotherapists providing natural, effective, harmless equipment's and ways to refurbish and maintain health, and even to assist the development towards better consciousness and well-being.
